Monday, April 16, 2007

Canine Confections

I'm currently in the process of making a page for my dog treats here. You can find the link to the right. It says "Canine Confections Treats".

I'll be writting a (hopefully) interesting post soon, so stay tuned, unless you don't want to hear about the hot dude from the gym or the tanerexic. LOL!


Beth said...

Do you have a hot gym guy too? Or are you stealing mine? You can't have mine. You're already married.

barnmouse said...

LMAO I'm not stealing yours! I promise. I think every gym comes with their own "hot gym guy"...or at least they should!!!

Arlene said...

I love the tanerexics, and that is such a GREAT name!!

barnmouse said...

LOL...there they are...just working out like regular people....regular orange people...
