The cats are freaking out. Not quite as bad as when we got the chimney straightened (hee hee....chimbley...HI DAD!), but they won't go more than a few feet away from me and their eyes are about the size of saucers. Surprisingly, Shadow is fine with all that's going on. Normally he barks and runs around and has a fit, but he was just kind of...I don't know....interested...this time. At the moment he's gnawing on his Ultimate Chew (the only kind of treat that lasts more than a nanosecond with him). On the other hand, the neighbor's dog is going bananas. But I think he's a little nuts anyway.
...suspicious quiet....
Breaking for lunch, maybe? After 4 hours of constant banging and stomping overhead, the silence has a strange feeling to it.
I wish I could just get out of here and go to the gym, but the dude (yes, I just said "dude") who delivered the palets of shingles and other assorted roofy-type things decided that the best place to park them was behind my garage door. So now I can't get out. And the palets cannot be moved by meer barnmouse force. That option has been exhausted (as well as my arms).
Oh goody. More banging. *sigh*
And also, while I am whining...

And not only that, but this as well...

To say that I'm a bit peeved is an understatement.
I hope y'all's day is going better than mine so far! Happy Tuesday.
And just to make myself feel a little bit better....
I hope y'all's day is going better than mine so far! Happy Tuesday.
And just to make myself feel a little bit better....

I can only imagine having people pound your roof is less than fun! And they killed flowers?? Jerks! You need to tell them to please be more freaking careful!
Good luck toots!
They finished up the roof yesterday, thank GOD! I couldn't have taken much more!
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