Monday, June 4, 2007

Manic Monday - 6/4

Seeing as how I'm trying to get back into the swing of things here, Manic Monday is back! Woo! This week, Lisa has choosen these questions:

1. How do you learn best? Watch and learn? Participation? Reading directions or technical manuals?

2. Is one of your senses more highly developed than another? If so, which one?

3. Summer is almost upon us here in the northern hemisphere. What says summer to you?

...and these would be my answers!

1. How do you learn best? Watch and learn? Participation? Reading directions or technical manuals?

I definitely learn better by watching. My husband drives me crazy though, he can read a manual (computer, car, etc) and know exactly what to do, how to do it, and he remembers it all. That drives me nuts.

2. Is one of your senses more highly developed than another? If so, which one?

My hearing, I think. When I was younger and still taking piano lessons, my mom (who smoked at the time, not anymore! Yippee!) would be in the kitchen and I would be in the living room practicing the piano and I could hear her light a cigarette while I was playing. I think it freaked her out a little! I'd stop playing and yell "Put that out!". LOL

3. Summer is almost upon us here in the northern hemisphere. What says summer to you?

Hmm. Summer says flip flops, beach towels, the smell of sunscreen and chlorine, and driving around with the windows down. These are just the random things that pop into my head when I think "Summer".

There you have it!

Did you play? :)


Anonymous said...

I can't read a technical manual for the life of me!
You have excellent hearing; I bet you were great on the piano.
I totally forgot flip flops, how could I? :-)

I'm glad you were able to play along this week. Have a good one!

barnmouse said...

My piano teacher told me that I have "perfect pitch" but to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what that means! LOL

Flip flops are one of my favorite parts of summer! I usually break 'em out the first sign of spring! LOL

Unknown said...

You know, when I talked to my BFF on the phone, she could hear when I was smoking. She said it was the way I was breathing, LOL.

Very irritating. ;-)

Drew said...

Now that is a keen sense of hearing if you could hear someone light a cigarette while practicing piano.

barnmouse said...

angelika - I could tell when she was smoking on the phone too. It's the way you breathe out longer after you finish saying something. (maybe that will make it harder for her to tell...hee hee!)

MommaBoo said...

#1 He ACTUALLY reads instructions? WOW!

#2 Creepy, but bravo for her quitting!

#3 I love those "summertime" things, too!

Thanks for sharing!


Karen said...

Reading instructions and know what to do? Lucky guy.